Senin, 01 Juli 2013

my friends and I

I had the best experience when I was joined in competition Tapak  Suci defense of Brawijaya University (UB) International open. My friends, Trainer and I had chosen in competition Tapak Suci in Unibra University Malang. We was delegation  of Tapak Suci from Muhammadiyah University. We started in the morning on December 4, 2012 for went to Malang city. We arrived at hotel about 9 p.m then we all ate fried rice and capcay in front of Hotel.
We woke-up at 4.30 o’clock in the morning for praying. After that we continued jogging as long as street at around Hotel. Finally, we finished and we had breakfast together in middle of our room. The place is very interesting and large. There are some chairs and tables over there. We sat and enjoyed with our meal. My trainer  gave us advise and told about planning for competition. At 10 o’clock in the morning we went to Unibra University for technical meeting.

my friend and I

I had the best experience when I was joined in competition Tapak  Suci defense of Brawijaya University (UB) International open. My friends, Trainer and I had chosen in competition Tapak Suci in Unibra University Malang. We was delegation  of Tapak Suci from Muhammadiyah University. We started in the morning on December 4, 2012 for went to Malang city. We arrived at hotel about 9 p.m then we all ate fried rice and capcay in front of Hotel.
We woke-up at 4.30 o’clock in the morning for praying. After that we continued jogging as long as street at around Hotel. Finally, we finished and we had breakfast together in middle of our room. The place is very interesting and large. There are some chairs and tables over there. We sat and enjoyed with our meal. My trainer  gave us advise and told about planning for competition. At 10 o’clock in the morning we went to Unibra University for technical meeting.

my friend and I

I had the best experience when I was joined in competition Tapak  Suci defense of Brawijaya University (UB) International open. My friends, Trainer and I had chosen in competition Tapak Suci in Unibra University Malang. We was delegation  of Tapak Suci from Muhammadiyah University. We started in the morning on December 4, 2012 for went to Malang city. We arrived at hotel about 9 p.m then we all ate fried rice and capcay in front of Hotel.
We woke-up at 4.30 o’clock in the morning for praying. After that we continued jogging as long as street at around Hotel. Finally, we finished and we had breakfast together in middle of our room. The place is very interesting and large. There are some chairs and tables over there. We sat and enjoyed with our meal. My trainer  gave us advise and told about planning for competition. At 10 o’clock in the morning we went to Unibra University for technical meeting.

Masjid UMY

Academic Reading and Writing
Counselor: Mrs.Noor Qomaria agustina S.Pd, M.Hum

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (umy) has alot of good building.the best place and building in campus UMY is Mosque because UMY is Islamic university. Mosque in UMY is very excited  and the most comfortable. Mosque is located between twin building and behind star yard exactly. It beside of pond or small lake. Masque in UMY has third floor and  It also including of lower  ground. The second floor is praying place for male and third floor is praying for female. The building  mosque in UMY is  very big and large.
Mosque in UMY has name K.H.A. Dahlan. K.H.A .Dahlan is founder of muhammadiyah organization  and he also the first leader in Muhammadiyah organization. The mosque in UMY had designed by Muhammadiyah background. The walls of mosque has twelve stars carved object of the symbol of Muhammadiyah.


Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (umy) has alot of good building.the best place and building in campus UMY is Mosque because UMY is Islamic university. Mosque in UMY is very excited  and the most comfortable. Mosque is located between twin building and behind star yard exactly. It beside of pond or small lake. Masque in UMY has third floor and  It also including of lower  ground. The second floor is praying place for male and third floor is praying for female. The building  mosque in UMY is  very big and large.
Mosque in UMY has name K.H.A. Dahlan. K.H.A .Dahlan is founder of muhammadiyah organization  and he also the first leader in Muhammadiyah organization. The mosque in UMY had designed by Muhammadiyah background. The walls of mosque has twelve stars carved object of the symbol of Muhammadiyah.

Masjid UMY

Academic Reading and Writing
Counselor: Mrs.Noor Qomaria agustina S.Pd, M.Hum

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (umy) has alot of good building.the best place and building in campus UMY is Mosque because UMY is Islamic university. Mosque in UMY is very excited  and the most comfortable. Mosque is located between twin building and behind star yard exactly. It beside of pond or small lake. Masque in UMY has third floor and  It also including of lower  ground. The second floor is praying place for male and third floor is praying for female. The building  mosque in UMY is  very big and large.
Mosque in UMY has name K.H.A. Dahlan. K.H.A .Dahlan is founder of muhammadiyah organization  and he also the first leader in Muhammadiyah organization. The mosque in UMY had designed by Muhammadiyah background. The walls of mosque has twelve stars carved object of the symbol of Muhammadiyah.

Masjid UMY

Academic Reading and Writing
Counselor: Mrs.Noor Qomaria agustina S.Pd, M.Hum

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (umy) has alot of good building.the best place and building in campus UMY is Mosque because UMY is Islamic university. Mosque in UMY is very excited  and the most comfortable. Mosque is located between twin building and behind star yard exactly. It beside of pond or small lake. Masque in UMY has third floor and  It also including of lower  ground. The second floor is praying place for male and third floor is praying for female. The building  mosque in UMY is  very big and large.
Mosque in UMY has name K.H.A. Dahlan. K.H.A .Dahlan is founder of muhammadiyah organization  and he also the first leader in Muhammadiyah organization. The mosque in UMY had designed by Muhammadiyah background. The walls of mosque has twelve stars carved object of the symbol of Muhammadiyah.
Mosque in UMY has many facilities such as Qur’an and praying equipment, cleaning toilets and bathrooms ,parking area, mineral water, lower ground and office. We can drink mineral water in mosque when we feel thirsty and we shouldn’t pay. It’s free of charge. Mineral water is located in second floor and also a glass is available too over there.  Parking area is beside of mosque and it has cool place and a lot of trees. Lower ground in mosque in UMY  is large and it’s usually for any class, events, wedding  ceremony, meeting and so on. We can also use praying equipment in mosque if we don’t bring our mine. So, facilities in mosque UMY is very complete and very nice.
We wouldn’t feel hot and crowded in mosque because it has good atmosphere or condition. Condition in mosque is very quite and cool. The floor, walls and roof is very clean and unique. It’s also has better ventilation and it has some enter the door, in front of and beside. Mosque in UMY doesn’t have any windows because walls of building only a half. So we can see and look a beautiful views  at the round from inside of mosque. The condition of mosque always clean and duty because everyday It cleaned by employee of UMY.
Mosque in UMY always full of people who make some activities in lower ground. Students in UMY usually have a class and discuss in lower ground. Lower ground of mosque also rent and use for wedding party and some event such as, Reading Qur’an, meeting, orientation, seminar and religious service.  Mosque has Ta’mir (adviser of Islamic) who give some advises for praying visitor  and listener. They also make calling prayer (Adzan) when the time of praying coming. Ta’mir or advisers is board of mosque and they are students and employee of UMY.
There are many visitors come to mosque. They have each part destination for themselves. Some of them are students, lectures, and official UMY.  Some time there are many people from out side come and visit in mosque may be for praying, present to have events, and guest of wedding  party. I Often see there are many visitors where available show and entertainment in lower ground. I ever being committee to protect some actors and actress of 5 CM movie when they have show in lower ground. There are many visitors, such us students of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Islamic university and many more.
Mosque in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta is amazing place. Beautiful of architect ,and It’s great in decoration. It has Complete of facilities and comfort zone for visitor. There are many activities you can see inside mosque. There are a lot of visitors and prayers come to UM Y Mosque.

Written by Yuli fitri yanti (20120540094)
Class C

Rosella Tea

Di era tekhnologi yang semakin canggih seperti sekarang ini, sering kali kita menjumpai perawatan wajah dengan menggunakan peralatan-peralatan canggih  dan cream-cream pemutih wajah yang menjajikan putih lebih cepat dan praktis.
Banyak masyarakat kita terutama kaum hawa tergiur dengan cream pemutih tanpa berfikir ulang tentang kandungan atau komposisinya dan dampak panjang dari cream tersebut.
Tentunya kita tidak hanya menginginkan kulit wajah kita terlihat sekedar putih saja,  tetapi juga alami, sehat dan merona. Agar memperoleh wajah putih alami, sehat dan terawat kita juga memerlukan bahan alamiah yang mampu melawan toksin-toksin  dan menjaga keremajaan kulit wajah kita.


manfaat bunga Rosella: menurunkan asam urat, bersifat penetral racun, menurunkan hipertensi, menurunkan kadar gula, menurunkan kolesterol, memperbaiki metabolisme, mencerdaskan otak, melangsingkan tubuh, mencegah kanker, meredakan batuk kronis, menurunkan suhu badan, menyehatkan mata, mengurangi kecanduan narkkoba, maag menahun, menambah gairah sex dan bikin tahan lama,dll
Minggu, 09 Desember 2007
kandungan rosella
ROSELLA herba ajaib berkhasiat dahsyat

Bila diseduh dengan air panas,dia akan berwarna merah,setelah diminum terasa manis manis asam dan memiliki rasa dan aroma yang khas.Orang tidak akan menyangka bahwa yang diminun adalah jamu yang dapat mengobati berbagai macam penyakit.Begitulah keistimewaan bunga rosella yang kini sedang marak-maraknya dikonsumsi oleh kebanyakan orang yang senang dengan pengobatan cara herba.

Rosella atau rami, yang banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat selama ini adalah pohon yang seratnya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan karung goni.Namun beberapa tahun ini karung yang terbuat dari serat rosella telah tergusur oleh adanya karung yang terbuat dari bahan plastik.Memang tidak banyak orang tahu bahwa pohon Rosella itu bukan saja seratnya yang bisa diambil,akan tetapi dari akar,batang,serat,daun,kelopak bunga,dan biji semua dapat bermanfaat.

Yuli's Practicum



1.   Yuli Fitri Yanti                                  20120540094
2.   Marjillah                                            20120540093
3.   Muhammad Sulaiman                      20120540133



Laporan “Praktikum Mengajar di SD Suryowijayan Kelas I A” ini telah disahkan pada:

Hari                       :
Tanggal                :


Kepala Sekolah SD                                         Guru Pembimbing Praktikum SD Muhammadiyah Suryowijayan                                  SD Muhammadiyah Suryowijayan                                               

Dra. Hj. Tri Wasiyati                                               Endyah P. Wati, S.Pd
NIP. 19540928 197912 2 001                                    NBM. 1071633          

Dosen Pembimbing Akademik/
Ketua Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Gendroyono S.Pd., M.Pd
              NIK 163096


1.1  Latar Belakang

            Menjadi seorang pendidik yang berdedikasi tinggi, kompetitif dan terampil, pastinya memerlukan proses belajar yang cukup panjang dan tidak mungkin didapatkan secara instan dan Cuma-Cuma. Butuh kerja kerja keras dan terjun langsung di lapangan kerja. Oleh karena itu, sejak semester awal perkuliahan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Mahasiswa  program  Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris  di terjunkan langsung dalam proses belajar secara riel.
Sebagai generasi penerus di bidang pendidikan, membutuhkan sebuah pengalaman dalam dunia pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, di wajibkan seluruh mahasiswa program pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UMY  untuk melaksanakan praktik mengajar dari semester awal perkuliahan terhitung dari bulan Oktober 2012 sampai  januari 2013 ( Semester gasal ) dan untuk semester genap dimulai dari bulan Januari hingga bulan Juni 2013.Dikarenakan hal-hal diatas tersebut, program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UMY melaksakan praktik mengajar di Sekolah Dasar SD  MUHAMMADIYAH SURYOWIJAYAN YOGYAKARTA. Sekolah yang beralamat di jalan Wahid Hasyim No 34 tersebut di kategorikan sebagai salah satu sekolah baru yang memiliki nomor induk siswa yang di kisarkan angka seribu.
                        Lokasi sekolah yang sangat straegis di dalam kota, yang tidak terlalu jauh dengan kampus UMY memudahkan untuk dijangkau oleh mahasiswa. Sehingga  kegiatan practikum ini tidak menggangu ataupun menghambat perkuliahan Mahasiswa. Disamping  itu praktikum mengajar ini juga sangat berguna sekali untuk pengembangan mental calon pendidik yaitu Mahasiswa itu sendiri.
Meskipun lokasi sekolah yang ramai karena berdekatan dengan jalan raya namun hal itu tidak lantas menghambat proses dalam belajar mengajar. Kegiatan belajar mengajar tetap berjalan secara procedural,tertib dan tenang. Kondisi bangunan yang baik dan fasilitas yang memadai di SD MUHAMMADYAH SURYOWIJAYAN YOGYAKARTA membuat siswa tenang dan nyaman untuk memulai proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas.